NEW!! Novel category - All Genres

Screenplay or novel rejected? We will tell you the reason (s), and you’ll have a chance to
re-submit up to 30 days before the last deadline or the following season for free.

Please click the Film Freeway logo on right to be taken to our Film Freeway page.

From the creators of the “Depth Of Field International Film Festival” “Docs Without Borders Film Festival” “WRPN. tv Women’s International Film Festival” and the “ Entertainment Network”, we bring you the “ Screenplay Competition (WRPNSC)”.

A competition created for up-and-coming screenwriters

Get your winning scripts submitted to Polaris Pictures, a film finance company.
Polaris does not accept unsolicited submissions.

Screenplay or novel rejected? We will tell you the reason (s), and you’ll have a chance to re-submit up to 30 days before the last deadline or the following season for free.

WRPNSC accepts unproduced and produced feature length screenplays between 70 and 130 pages, unproduced and produced short screenplays under 40 pages, unproduced and produced Teleplays of 45 to 70 pages and unproduced and produced Webisode pilots of 10 to 20 pages.

Our founders are active Committee Members for the Universal Film and Festival Organization (UFFO.ORG), an U.K. based non-profit, founded to implement best business practices for festivals

September 15, 2023
Opening Date
September 30, 2023
Earlybird Deadline
October 31, 2023
Regular Deadline
November 30, 2023
Late Deadline
December 31, 2023
Extended Deadline
February 29, 2024
Last Chance
March 10, 2024
Notification Date

WRPNSC Summer 2023

Writer Richard Elliott Atkins
United States

Writer Robert Isabella
United States

Invisible (TELEPLAY)
Writer Edmon D Rober
United States

WRPNSC is proud to announce our
Fall 2022  RHODIUM  Winner!!

Writer Oksana Prysiazhniuk
Feature Length Scripts

Oksana Prysiazhniuk


Rhodium Winner gets:

  • Placement on Screenplay and Novel award Winners’ Wall, where invited producers look for winning screenplays.
  • Award listing with IMDb and our site, laurel.

Platinum Winners get:

  • Placement on Screenplay and Novel award Winners’ Wall, where invited producers look for winning screenplays.
  • Award listing with IMDb and our site, laurel.

Gold Winners get:
  • Permanent placement on Winners’ Wall.
  • Award listing with IMDb and on our site. Laurel.

Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention get:
  • Award listing with IMDb, laurel.


-Screenplays accepted from anywhere in the world but in English only

- Screenplays must be in PDF format and submitted electronically through Film Freeway only

- A title page with contact information and a treatment must be included with every submitted script.

- WRPNSC accepts:

-Unproduced and produced feature length screenplays between 70 and 130 pages.

-Unproduced and produced short screenplays 40 pages and under.

-Unproduced and produced Teleplays and Webisodes of 45 to 70 pages

-Unproduced and produced Webisodes of 10 to 20 pages

- No limit to the number of different scripts you submit. Duplicate entries will be automatically disqualified.

- No substitutions will be accepted once submitted.

- The decisions of the judges are final and shall not be disputed.

- Top winners understand that there is no guarantee of representation and/or production deals by any of our associates Consideration of the script is given for the sole purpose of choosing a winner.

- All scripts must be registered with the WGAw and/or the US Copyright Office before the time of submission.

- Winners who may be awarded a service and/or subscription may not substitute it for cash value.

-Screenplay or novel rejected? We will tell you the reason (s), and you’ll have a chance to re-submit up to 30 days before the last deadline or the following season for free.